Why is Holy Tea so Powerful?
The more I talk to people the more I am amazed at just how many actually have a problem "going". The most common cause of constipation is a diet low in fiber or a diet high in fats, such as cheese, eggs, and meats. Considering the busy lifestyles we have today, fast foods, which are high in fat content, have become commonplace.
The more I talk to people the more I am amazed at just how many actually have a problem "going". The most common cause of constipation is a diet low in fiber or a diet high in fats, such as cheese, eggs, and meats. Considering the busy lifestyles we have today, fast foods, which are high in fat content, have become commonplace.
Are you eliminating waste after every meal - or just once per day? Or once every two days? Three times a day would be healthy, but few of us these days have that healthy a digestive system.
Is it just a coincidence that the incidence of gastrointestinal tract diseases and cancer has increased dramatically since the time when grandparents of this generation were eating only healthy, unprocessed foods and unpasteurized dairy products from the farm - and digesting their food and eliminating the waste in about 15 hours?
There are a good number of laxatives on the market, but they are only temporary, if they work at all.
Most people who are aware of the need for "colon cleansing" do not realize that a layer of toxic waste called mucoid plaque can build up throughout their digestive tract from stomach to rectum. Getting a colonic, colon hydrotherapy, colon irrigation, or high enema treatment using water under pressure only helps clean out the last 5 or 6 feet, yet does nothing for the 22 feet of the small intestine.
Dr Miller's Holy Tea is an all natural herbal tea that is safe and has been successfully used for over 20 years by many thousands of satisfied people.
The Holy Tea ingredients are a special blend of safe, natural, edible herbs:
Holy Thistle, Persimmon leaves, Malva leaves, Marsh Mallow leaves, and Blessed Thistle.
It is the special enzymes that allow the gentle cleansing of the whole body with continued use. All the enzymes that used to give us colon health have been destroyed with modern processing of foods and pasteurization of dairy products. Now we can get back to enjoying perfect colon health!
Dr. Miller has been working on his safe and effective colon-cleansing Holy Tea product for over 20 years, perfecting it for consumption by persons of every age and weight.

Scientific Name: Milk Thistle
Other Names: Cardui mariae, Carduus marianum, Holy Thistle, Lady's Thistle, Legalon, Marian Thistle, Mariendistel, Mary Thistle, Our Lady's Thistle, Silimarina, Silybin, Silybum marianum, Silymarin, St. Mary Thistle
Milk thistle contains several chemicals with possible medical effects. Most current research focuses on one of them, silymarin, which may have specific protective effects on cells in the liver. In multiple human, animal, and laboratory studies, silymarin has shown differing degrees of effectiveness for protecting the liver from damage caused by alcohol, chemicals, drugs, diseases, and poisonous plants. It is used to treat both acute conditions (such as poisoning) and long-term diseases (such as hepatitis C). Silymarin and other chemicals in milk thistle are believed to protect liver cells in several different ways:
Silymarin has antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are thought to prevent or lessen damage to body cells that is caused by a chemical process called oxidation.
Anti-inflammatory effects of silymarin help keep liver cells from swelling in response to injury.
Silymarin seems to encourage the liver to grow new cells, while discouraging the formation of inactive fibrous tissue.
By changing the outside layer of liver cells, silymarin may also keep certain harmful chemicals from getting into liver cells.
Milk thistle may also cause the immune system to be more active.
Milk thistle and chemicals derived from it are being studied for a number of additional possible effects. For example, in animal studies and one small study of humans, milk thistle produced modest reductions in cholesterol levels. Results of separate laboratory studies show that milk thistle may help to protect the heart muscle from damage caused by certain drugs.
It is also known to be a good blood purifier can cure chronic headaches.

An allergy preventitive or itching preventive food containing persimmon leaves or a persimmon leaf extract, containing cosmetic composition having the action of improving allergic rough skin conditions or alleviating itching, an allergy or itching preventive or therapeutic. Good for allergies and hay fever.
Persimmon leaves are a good source of important dietary antioxidants, such as vitamin A & C and flavonoids. In particular, several tannins and flavonoids isolated from persimmon leaf were recently found to have antihypertensive, anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic actions. It is highly possible, therefore, that persimmon leaves may be developed into potential sources of natural antioxidants and therapeutic drugs.
Studies have shown that persimmon leaf improves lipid profiles and suppresses body weight gain in animals that were fed high-fat diets. It can also be used topically in beauty products to help clarify the skin and eliminate dull and dark areas.

Botanical: Malva sylvestris
Other Names: High Mallow, Common Mallow, Mallow, Country Mallow, Cheese Flower, Blue Mallow, Tall Mallow
Other Names: High Mallow, Common Mallow, Mallow, Country Mallow, Cheese Flower, Blue Mallow, Tall Mallow
The seed contains mucilage, polysaccharides and flavanoids. It is demulcent, (soothes and softens irritated tissues, especially the mucous membranes), diuretic, emollient, (softens the skin) galactogogue (increases milk flow in nursing mothers), and gentle stimulation of the bowels. The seeds are used in Tibetan medicine, where they are considered to have a sweet and astringnent taste plus a healing potency. They are used in the treatment of renal disorders, the retention of fluids, frequent thirst and diarrhea.
Malva Leaf is high in mucilaginous materials, making it suitable as a protector of the respiratory system and a soother of the lungs. It is indicated in cases of bronchitis, emphysema and when bronchial irritation is present. Pliny said: 'Whosoever shall take a spoonful of the Mallows shall that day be free from all diseases that may come to him.'

Scientific Name: Marshmallow
Other Names: Althaea officinalis, Althea, Mallards, Sweet Weed, Wymote
Marshmallow root and—to a lesser extent—marshmallow leaf both contain significant percentages of mucilage, a natural gummy substance that does not dissolve in water. Like other mucilage-containing substances, marshmallow swells up and becomes slick when it is exposed to fluids. The resulting slippery material coats the linings of the mouth, throat, and stomach to relieve irritation associated with respiratory or stomach conditions. It also contains substances that may help to control coughing. Additionally, marshmallow may also have mild anti-infective and immune-boosting properties.
Topically, marshmallow is used to soothe and soften irritated skin. A commercial ointment that contains up to 10% of powdered marshmallow leaf or root may be applied to chapped skin or insect bites.
Its primary use in modern herbal medicine is to relieve sore throat, but it also relieves perianal inflammation (when taken orally) caused by severe diarrhea. It also has mild antibacterial, anti-allergy and immune-boosting properties. Marshmallow leaf is completely non-toxic.

Botanical: Carbenia benedicta
Other Names: Bitter thistle, cardin, Chardon Benit, Cardo Santo, Carduus benedictus, Cnici benedicti herba, cnicus, holy thistle, Kardo-benedictenkraut, St. Benedict thistle, salonitenolide, spotted thistle
Note: Blessed thistle should not be mistaken for milk thistle ( Silybum marianus ) or other members of the thistle family.
Blessed Thistle has been recorded as far back as the early 16th century for treating smallpox, fever, anorexia, dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, and flatulence. More recently it has shown to be useful in: Indigestion, heartburn and poor appetite. This herb has been tested in laboratory studies for its properties against infections, cancer, and inflammation with promising results.
Holy Tea's name is taken from the traditional name of one of the ingredients, a widely-used medicinal herb known as Holy Thistle, and is not intended to imply any religious significance - although grateful users who experienced remarkable health improvements after drinking Holy Tea often thank God for this gift of healing!
You can see, after learning the ingredients in this good tasting, natural tea, how beneficial it can be for many different reasons. I, personally drink the tea daily and plan to do so for years to come to stay in good health. It is gentle and safe to use. Many of my friends and family members drink it, too, and have great reports. Hundreds have testified of considerable weight loss while drinking Holy Tea.
Holy Tea for a Healthy Colon...
Also, during this time I have noticed that my skin has a much smoother look and feel and my primary care physician has even remarked that I have the skin of a much younger man. I am a Vietnam veteran and will turn sixty on my next birthday. Many of my comrades in arms have either died or have some really serious health problems. Again, I am totally convinced that Dr. Miller’s tea is the primary reason I am still around and kicking." - Dan Record, Henderson, TN
I highly recommend Dr Miller's Holy Tea.