The Opportunity
Real Products & Real Compensation, A powerful one-two punch!
Our compensation plan begins by supplying you with Dr. Miller's cutting edge herbal formulations that truly make a very real difference in people's health.
To complete this one-two punch, we provide you with a compensation plan that is designed with the average network marketer in mind.
Our system motivates and enables each one of our members to have a realistic potential to earn a stay-at-home monthly income of up to $5000 or more. This begins by accomplishing the small do-able task of sponsoring two or more people. The system encourages duplication of all our efforts. It creates the kind of group effort you've been looking for.
Our products and marketing system make sponsoring two or more people simple and easy. Most compensation plans will dazzle you with large income potentials, but the qualifications to receive even a small income in these pay plans are too difficult for every day people with busy lives.
Dr. Miller's Holy Tea Club has a genuine desire to create more stay-at-home, self-employment income than any company in network marketing history.
While you're on this page, we encourage you to take the time to fully understand the power of our member-friendly compensation plan. It was designed to relieve financial stress and provide financial independence for all of our members.
If that is what you want, then the Dr. Miller's Holy Tea Club pay plan will give it to you.
It all begins with a 2 wide by 4 level deep pay matrix. This is a very small narrow matrix of 30 people and it's a forced matrix so that a club member can only have 2 members on their first level at the outset. If you were to sponsor more than two people they would fall under other people in your matrix who don't have two members on their first level yet. That's called spillover and it is a way for all of us to help one another as a team.
A brief word of advice on spillover: Receiving spillover from your upline is not a "right", but rather it is something that is collectively earned by all of us. If each one of us does our part by accomplishing the simple do-able task of sponsoring two or more people, we can all receive a great deal of exciting spillover. If many of us wait for others to do the work, we will all be waiting for spillover that does not come. Our compensation plan is designed for a whole lot of people to each take responsibility for the small do-able task of sponsoring two or more people that we are each very motivated and enabled to do. The end result is the potential for a significant self-employment income of $5000 or more per month for any qualified club member.
When you fill your 2 x 4 matrix, it looks like this:

The two charts above illustrate how much your 4 level income will be when you have a small 2x4 matrix filled with members purchasing first $80 of product each month and then $120 each month.
Everyone will purchase or generate sales volume of at least $40 worth of product each month to qualify to receive 4 levels of income. That is the only requirement - $40 of personal volume. There are no requirements to sponsor anyone in order to receive 4 levels of income. Anyone who joins with $40 of volume, will be very motivated to upgrade to $80 of volume as you will see in the paragraph below.
Even though you don't have to personally sponsor new members into our company to earn overrides in your 2x4 matrix, everyone in our system is exceedingly motivated to sponsor two people, and that's what builds a 2x4 matrix. Why are they motivated? Anyone who has $80 of personal volume and has sponsored two people in our system, is qualified for a matching bonus on whatever the people on their 4th level earn in their 4 level matrices. Anyone who is purchasing $40 of product and sponsors two people into our system, will be motivated to upgrade to an $80 purchase in order to qualify for a matching bonus on whatever the people on their 4th level earn in their 4 level matrices. A member must have $80 of personal volume and two personally sponsored members that made a purchase this month in order to receive a matching bonus on all their 4th level members.
The matching bonus is the most lucrative feature of our compensation plan and it doesn't matter whether there is one person on your 4th level or 16 people. They do not have to be personally sponsored by you. Whatever anyone on your 4th level earns in their 4 level matrix, you receive a 100% match. If they earn $10, you receive $10. If they earn $343, you receive $343.
This is powerful!
To illustrate the power of this matching bonus, imagine that you have a filled 2x4 matrix below you and that everyone in the 4 level matrix has a personal volume of $80 . This is not difficult to imagine as it is a small narrow matrix and everyone is motivated to sponsor at least 2 people and generate $80 of volume. When the 16 people on your 4th level have built their 2x4 matrices, they are each earning anywhere from $114.80 to $343.20 per month. If their average 4 level income is $300 per month, then your matching bonus from them is calculated by multiplying 16 times $300. That equals $4,800 in matching bonus income! Add to that the income you are earning from your own filled 2x4, and your residual income is over $5000 a month! That's significant, self-employment income.
Mounting Motivation
If the motivation at the outset of knowing that you qualify for a matching bonus by sponsoring 2 people is not enough, the company continues to motivate the people in your downline that have not sponsored 2 people in a way that is completely irresistible.
Here's an illustration. Let's say you sponsored me, Dana, into your 2x4 matrix and I have not sponsored anyone. Let's also say that I have had spillover of one person on my 1st level that has resulted in about 7 people on my 4th level. It's reasonable to expect that those 7 people have achieved an income from their 4 level matrices of about $40 to $45 on average. On the first week of a given month the company will send an email to me. It will say, "Dana, your 4th level earned $300 last month. You could have received that money in the form of a matching bonus if you had sponsored 2 people." The next month, those matrices will have grown a little more and another email will be sent to me telling me that my matching bonus could have been $480 if I had sponsored 2 people. The month after that, it may be as much as $800. If I fail to qualify in any given month, the communication process will continue the first week of each month. Next month, however, it will be at a larger amount than the previous. You see, I may now have 9 or 10 people on my 4th level and the matrices of the 7 who were there last month will have grown even more. Next month's email may read, "Dana, your 4th level earned $900 last month. You could have received that money in a matching bonus if you had sponsored 2 people." The next month it may be $1000, then $1300, and then $1800.
Can you see that at some point, I simply won't be able to resist. Whether it is at $1000, $2000, or $4,800, I will have to do something to sponsor 2 people and generate $80 of personal volume. The company will have converted me into an active member for you simply by reminding me of the money I'm leaving on the table by not accomplishing the small, do-able task of sponsoring 2 people.This is very real motivation. The company will let your downline know about the money they are leaving on the table. Money that is already there from transactions that have already occurred.
This monthly communication will assist in the duplication of your efforts and will help build your downline.
In Dr. Miller's Holy Tea Club no one is left to fend for themselves to sponsor 2 or more people. We have systems in place to enable people to accomplish this small task that qualifies them for the matching bonus. All they have to do is plug into one of these systems. For example, our "Pass it On Packaging™" concept involves sending you product packaged in such a way, that it is very convenient to share it with a prospective member. We include a free brochure with it. Marketing doesn't get any easier than sharing a product sample with someone --- especially when the product is so effective. Every member can sign up at least two members and help them do the same thing.
That's exciting!
Up to this point, we have given you a brief description of how and why you have a very realistic potential to earn an income of up to $5000 (or more) per month with Dr. Miller's Holy Tea Club. This is our targeted goal for members. At Dr. Miller's Holy Tea Club, we want to create more self-employment income than any company in network marketing history. Our pay plan is simple and powerful. Each one of us has a small, achievable task to do. We are all motivated at the outset to qualify for the matching bonus. If we have not qualified for the matching bonus, the motivation mounts as the company reminds us of the money we are leaving on the table. The company supplies us with marketing systems that enable us to accomplish the small task of sponsoring 2 or more people. All of this is like overkill to help us sponsor 2 or more people.
As a result, there is tremendous duplication that results in a very realistic expectation that everyone can and will build a 2 wide by 4 level deep matrix of 30 people. This is something that anyone can envision themselves doing. When the 16 people on your 4th level have completed building their 2x4 matrices, you will have an income of over $5000 a month. It's simple and achievable for anyone.
More Compensations and Incentives
Matching Bonus on all Personally Sponsored Members
To qualify for a match of the 4 level income of all your personally sponsored members, you simply generate personal volume of $120 in any given month. This can be accomplished by making a purchase and/or generating retail sales.
If one of your personally sponsored members lands on your 4th level, you will receive two matches on their 4 level income if you are qualified for both of them --- one because they are on your 4th level and the other because they are personally sponsored by you.
Expandability of the Matrices
When your matrix is filled 8 levels deep with at least 2 people on everyone's first level, then your matrix converts to a 3 wide by 8 level deep matrix. Your old 2 wide matrix is now nested within and a part of your new 3 wide matrix. With a 3 wide matrix you can now have 3 people on your first level, 9 on your 2nd level, 27 on your 3rd, and 81 on your 4th for a total of 120 members. If you fill a 3 wide matrix 4 levels deep with 120 members who each have $120 of personal volume, your income from those first 4 levels will be $1699.
The 81 people on your 4th level will be motivated, just as you and I were at the outset, to sponsor 2 people in order to qualify for the matching bonus. The company will continue to add mounting motivation to each of those who have not sponsored 2 by reminding them of the matching bonus they are leaving on the table by not qualifying for it. Anyone with motivation and effort can sponsor 2 or more people and, therefore, every one of the 81 people can build a 2x4 matrix. They can each earn $343 from their 4 level matrices.
If you multiply 81 people times $343 and add to that the $1699 you will be earning from your own 4 level matrix, your income will be over $29,482 a month on 2,550 people. That's over $10 payout on average per member in your downline! This is an astounding payout. The average network marketing company involved in nutrition pays out about $2 or $3 per member in the the downline. Can you see that Dr. Miller's Holy Tea Club is seriously dedicated to your financial success?

4x8 Matrix
Your matrix will also expand to a 4 wide by 8 levels deep matrix when you have filled your matrix 3 members wide by 8 levels deep. That allows you to have 4 people on your first level, 16 on your 2nd level, 64 on your 3rd, and 256 on your 4th for a total of 340 members. If you fill a 4x4, your minimum income from your 4 level matrix will be $5323 when everyone in the matrix purchases $120 of product each month.
Remember that some of the people on your 4th level will be expanding their matrices. Your matching bonus income will go up with their expansion because they will be earning more and more in their 4 level matrices as they expand.
Retail Sales
Dr. Millers Holy Tea Club members are also able to earn a commissions of about 20% payable monthly, for products sold through their retail website or from their personal inventory, if applicable. This is also a great opportunity. You may come into contact with many people who are interested in our products, but are not committed to starting a business. They can purchase our products from your retail websites. We each get retail websites for each of the products. Just click on these links to see my retail sites: (Coming Soon!)
Dr Miller's Holy/ Tea Spring Cleaning
Income Disclaimer
A member is not guaranteed a specific income. Financial success as a member can come only from sale of company products to the end consumer, building her/his own sales organization and training that organization to sell, sponsor, and train. Members understand that financial reward is based on ability, personal effort, and initiative.