Many sufferers of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) have found relief drinking Dr Miller's Holy Tea. Here's what Ruth and Billy Hurt from Cedar Grove, TN had to say: "I have been on Dr. Miller's Tea for 12 years, both my husband and I. I had Crohn's Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and terrible acid reflux. I won't miss a day without drinking my tea. I used to have terrible knife-like sharp pains in my stomach from the Crohn's and IBS, and a great deal of discomfort from the acid reflux. Dr. Miller's tea has cleared all of this up, and I lost almost 30 pounds as well. My husband lost more weight than I did. I swear by the tea and would not be without it."
If you have irritable bowel syndrome or IBS, then you know how painful and uncomfortable it can be. It is one of those ailments that is extremely annoying and can really knock you down.
The exact cause of IBS is not really known. Some think it is brought on by diet, while others say it has to do with an imbalance of favorable bacteria in the digestive tract. But anyone who's ever had it knows that it definitely gets worse from stress.
Whatever you think about IBS, there are a few obvious things we all can do to keep the symptoms and pain and discomfort to a minimum.
Cut Back On Caffeine
I know this is a tough one. I like to drink my morning coffee as much as anybody, but you can still cut back. Drink a single cup coffee each morning instead of 4 or 5. You can also buy decaffeinated coffee or even the half and half blended. The idea is to reduce the amount of intake you are currently pushing, and you should notice a difference.
Lose Weight, Exercise
It seems that doctors and nutritionists alike recommend getting in shape to cure just about anything that ails you. Well, this was never more true than in the case of irritable bowel syndrome. Losing weight and getting in good shape will definitely help to reduce your IBS symptoms. I don't know why really, but getting in shape really does help to stop the discomfort and pain associated with the IBS.
Eat The Right Foods
Once again, this one seems cliche, but it is true. Your doctor can tell you what foods to avoid, but you should also use your common sense when it comes to avoiding things that will make your IBS symptoms worse.
Simply stated, you can help to reduce your symptoms and IBS flare ups by following this common sense advice coupled with the advice of your trained medical professional.
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About the Author: You can learn more about IBS treatments and sciatica treatments at our blogs.