Have you ever asked yourself that? You probably already know the answer and don't need to ask someone else. If you have bloat, midriff bulge, or a "beer belly", you will want to read on...
This is a matter no one wants to discuss and it's not a "pretty" subject, but it is vital to your health, well-being, and of course, your appearance.
Whatever we might want to blame it on, most likely that bellyfat is a serious build up of toxic fecal matter in the intestines and colon that's contributing to a chronic outward swelling of the person's belly. This condition called bloating is NOT the stomach making the belly stick out, for the stomach is located ABOVE the transverse colon, beside the liver.
Bloat is the COLON (large intestine) expanding due to the impacted fecal matter building up inside. (told you it wasn't pretty)
It can be the cause of:
*Bad Breath / Bad Body Odor
*Enlarged Abdomen / Protruding Belly
*Acid Reflux Disease (GERD) or Heartburn
*Indigestion / Stomach Ache
*Irregularity / Constipation / Hard Stools / Hemorrhoids
*Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) / Crohn's Disease
*Abdominal Pain / Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBDs)
*Spastic Colon / Colitis / Ileitis
*Excess Gas / Flatulence
*Belching / Bloating
*Excess Stored Fat / Excess Weight / Obesity
*Skin Conditions / Itchy, flakey skin or scalp
*Inflamed Skin / Dermatitis / Eczema / Psoriasis
*Allergies and Hay Fever / Food Allergies
*Fibromyalgia / Sciatica
*Joint Pain / Arthritis / Migraine Headaches
*Insomnia / Restless sleep
*Low Energy / Loss of Mental Clarity and Concentration / "Brain Fog" / Forgetfulness
WOW! Bet you didn't know all that!
Not passing this toxic fecal matter may lead to numerous health conditions caused by auto-intoxification (i.e. absorbing toxins, self-poisoning) and clogging the walls of the intestines and colon with hardened waste such as decaying vegetable matter and rotting meat.
This mass of decomposing material becomes food for an immense number of bad bacteria, yeast, fungus, and intestinal parasites like amoebae, flukes and worms to thrive within the body, (some of which excrete their own poisons).
There IS a way to get rid of it.
What's This All About?
Maybe you've never even heard of colon cleansing before. I didn't. People just don't commonly talk about this sort of thing. Then a friend told me and I began to read up on it and was astonished at what I found.
Noted in the Vegetarian Times:
"Of all the polite topics of conversation, the state of one's intestines is probably at the bottom of most people's lists. Let's face it: Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, gas, diverticulitis and colon cancer are simply not things we like to discuss. And yet, as the old expression goes, death begins in the colon. Don't believe it? Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons that are plugged up to 80 percent with waste material." - Vegetarian Times, March, 1998
In case you didn't know... if you do not regularly have a bowel movement at least once every day, you are chronically constipated - and that's going to create health problems!
Are you eliminating waste after every meal - or just once a day? Or once every two days? Three times a day would be healthy, but few of us these days have that healthy a digestive system.
The average healthy person who is not constipated will carry about 5 pounds of fecal matter in their intestines and colon at any one time. But people who are constipated or irregular can be carrying up to 40 pounds or more of this toxic fecal matter which is continually poisoning their body and organs.
It's rumored that when the beloved singer/actor Elvis Presley died, the autopsy revealed that his bloated body had over 60 pounds of impacted fecal matter in his digestive tract! The same situation is said to have occurred with the famous Hollywood actor, John Wayne, who had even more pounds of toxic fecal matter in his digestive tract when he died.
Byron Raphael, a close confidant of Elvis Presley, said in an interview: " He could barely get up in the morning. Couldn't sleep at night. Taking so many prescription drugs. They found when he died, he had eighty or ninety pounds of fecal material inside. I believe he's really dead, because the amounts of prescription drugs he was taking was enough to surely kill him sooner or later. He couldn't have lived much longer. He was constipated to the point where he would go weeks without going to the bathroom. No amount of laxative would help."
That's unfortunate. Elvis was taking laxatives with no results. He may not have realized he needed a colon cleanse. He would have definately been alot slimmer and it may even have saved his life.
Not dealing with this toxic build-up early enough can lead to serious and sometimes fatal diseases like Crohn's disease, spastic colon, ileitis, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, and cancer of the colon or rectum. Too many people are suffering and dying horrible deaths that could be prevented by maintaining a healthy digestive system.
It's really up to YOU to take charge of your health and well-being. Why not start now?
Not dealing with this toxic build-up early enough can lead to serious and sometimes fatal diseases like Crohn's disease, spastic colon, ileitis, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, and cancer of the colon or rectum. Too many people are suffering and dying horrible deaths that could be prevented by maintaining a healthy digestive system.
It's really up to YOU to take charge of your health and well-being. Why not start now?
We are all exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis at work, in the home, through the air we breathe, our food and water supply, and through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. In addition, we are eating more sugar and processed foods than ever before in human history and regularly abuse our bodies with various stimulants and sedatives.
What About Parasites
Discover magazine published a feature article in its August 2000 issue:
"Every living thing has at least one parasite that lives inside or on it, and many, including humans, have far more. ...Scientists...are only just beginning to discover exactly how powerful these hidden inhabitants can be, but their research is pointing to a remarkable possibility: Parasites may rule the world. The notion that tiny creatures we've largely taken for granted are such a dominant force is immensely disturbing. ...We are collections of cells that work together, kept harmonized by chemical signals. If an organism can control those signals - an organism like a parasite - then it can control us. And therein lies the peculiar and precise horror of parasites."
Environmental toxins, unhealthy diets and parasites can be deadly.
Detoxify your body so you can feel better, look better, and most importantly live better.